Pulp 20 is now available!

Pulp 20 is now available!

The 20th issue of the magazine is all about Digital Printing!
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Papel de alta gramagem

Papel de alta gramagem

Etiquetas, cartões, capas, convites, expositores, estojos e outras embalagens: mediante solicitação, conseguimos produzir qualquer papel Fedrigoni com uma espessura de até 3 mm e em quaisquer cores do nosso catálogo.
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Thanks to our BeSafe ™ technology, you can apply an on-demand virucidal and bactericidal treatment to any type of paper in the Fedrigoni catalogue, from normal to coated to embossed. The integration of the treatments takes place directly in the paper fibre so as not to alter the appearance, recyclability and resistance of the paper over time.
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