有人称它为天然、白色和象牙纸的瑞士军刀。 任何印刷项目的天然伴侣。
平滑或质感,有四种不同的色调可供选择,从明亮的象牙色到不含增白剂的超白,有各种尺寸和重量(70 至 580 克),以适应所有印刷工艺:胶印、烫金和压花。
适用于任何图形项目的多功能系列。 这不仅仅是简单:它是完美的。
Find ARENA on page 29 of PaperBox, volume UNCOATED WHITES.
Brand Series:
Arena Eco 50
Arena Rough
Arena Smooth
Arena Bulk

Fedrigoni Arena® is range of white and ivory uncoated papers and boards for every need and for every specifer. The Arena range is available in four shades: a bright Ivory, on OBA-free Natural, a warm White and a cool Extra White in a wide choice of sheet sizes, grain directions and grammages. Arena is available in three finishes: Smooth, Rough and Bulk. A selection of HP Indigo® optimized papers and matching envelopes complete the range. Fedrigoni Arena® is a multi-functional tool for any graphic project.
Rational yet elegant, good for text, photography, packaging and illustrations, it works with any printing and post-printing process and performs well with any binding and folding technique.