Century Cotton Laid (without watermark)

Century Cotton Laid (without watermark)

Uncoated Whites

Soft and refined wood-free laid and watermarked paper with 75% woodfree ECF pulp and 25% cotton content, FSC® certified.

Featured on page 315 of PaperBox


  • Matching Envelope

Environmental Features:

2 Series Options:

Premium White

Premium White

Size (cm):

Weight (g/m²):

  • B1
  • 280

Size (cm):

Weight (g/m²):

  • B1
  • 280


时萃棉纤是一个优质未涂布纸张和纸板系列,经过FSC®认证,具有天鹅绒般的表面。采用 75% E.C.F.(无氯)纸浆和 25% 棉纤维。备有超白和白色两种颜色,同时备有带有和不带有对位裁切水印水印。可完全生物降解和回收。由于其含棉量,时萃棉纤提供卓越的柔软度、使用寿命和强度。 该系列是文具、企业出版物、专辑和精装版,以及包装、标签、菜单、贺卡和委任状以及广告材料的理想选择。

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