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Gulielmus Tenute Capaldo红葡萄酒

Gulielmus Tenute Capaldo红葡萄酒


Gulielmus和Goleto(两者间不作比较)是两款葡萄酒,灵感来自一个神奇的地方,笼罩在光明和神秘之中:Goleto修道院由San Guglielmo于12世纪建造,今天仍然是伊尔皮尼亚的象征,保留了其美妙的永恒之美(事实上,这个标签让人想起前门)。安东尼奥·卡帕尔多解释说:“我想用这些葡萄酒来向我的家人与他的祖国伊尔皮尼亚的深厚联系致敬。”“在近十年的实验中,在每种葡萄酒的第一个“官方”年份之前的各种地块上,我们每个季节都参与其中,在葡萄园和地窖里。这些葡萄酒就是这样诞生的,它们的脚牢牢地踩在地上,目光转向后代”。Gulielmus尤其来自萨拉区陶拉西的一个两公顷的葡萄园,那里的土壤是粘土质的,从1992年开始种植单侧的盖奥特葡萄藤,从旧的preflossera葡萄园收获芽。10月中旬至11月初,手工收割。


Stefano Vittori Visual Design


Progetti in gara 2021


Labels are used to ensure recognisability of containers and to identify the brand and the product inside. However simple they may seem to be from a structural point of view, labels often have to respond to precise standards, especially in the field of food products and cosmetics. Their dimension must not only be proportional to the size of the container, but must also allow clear and legible presentation of the product information required by current legislation. In order to create a label with the best possible visual impact, secondary information can be included in a label applied to the rear of the product.

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Coated Papers
Acid Free ECF (Elementhal Chlorine Free) FSC® Mix Heavy Metal Absence Long Life

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