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Digital Printing – Touch Class

Fingerprint, stain, paint, oil and water resistant. It is technological, provides an excellent print yield and delivers a spectacular effect with both digital paints and foils.
Soho Touch Class is the line of uncoated papers and boards dedicated to digital printing, perfect for applications that will be handled numerous times, like menus.
Available in three weights, three sizes and two types – natural and felt-marked.
Soho Touch Class: Please Do Touch.

Finden DIGITAL PRINTING – TOUCH CLASS auf den Seiten 573,607 in PaperBox, Ausgabe .


Acid Free ECF (Elementhal Chlorine Free) FSC® Mix Heavy Metal Absence Long Life
Fedrigoni Digital

Fedrigoni Digital

Die „Digital Papers for HP Indigo“ Kollektion beinhaltet eine Auswahl gestrichener und ungestrichener Papiere und Kartonagen. Weiß, farbig und mit besonderen Oberflächen, alle zertifiziert für HP Indigo Anwendungen.

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