
Paper Make-up Palettes
A completely plastic-free make-up palette for a lower climate impact, designed for the circular economy with one single, renewable raw material.
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Fedrigoni Group acquires majority in Tageos, entering promising smart label business
The company is a global market leader in the design and manufacturing of RFID inlays and tags
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From plastic to paper, gradually and creatively
The transition from plastic to more sustainable materials, such as paper, is underway: a phenomenon that implies a profound transformation in both design and everyday habits.
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Pulp #22: The Sustainability Issue is out!
Il numero di Pulp 22, il nostro quadrimestrale per professionisti e amanti di adesivi e carte di qualità, getta luce a 360° su un tema fondamentale: la sostenibilità.
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Call for entries are closed!
The final date to submit projects to Fedrigoni Top Award expired last Sunday!
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Fedrigoni Group releases Q3 2021 Results
Our Group has achieved excellent performances in the first nine months of 2021 in both business units, thanks to a policy of geographical expansion and offer differentiation, also through targeted acquisitions.
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The New Best Beer Label and Pack Award edition is here!
Fedrigoni Special Papers together with the Self-Adhesives division take part once again at the international Award for craft beer.
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The virtuous marketing of Fedrigoni gains acknoledgement in the industry
Fedrigoni is featured in “Essentials of Modern Marketing - Made in Italy edition” the new book by Philip Kotler.
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How to transform procurement to achieve ESG goals?
23.11.21: a webinar with Jaggaer and Ecovadis discussing how to transform Procurement to achieve ESG goals
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