
Printmaking Tales, The Secrets of Art Printing

Discover Fabriano latest project dedicated to art printing curated by artist Umberto Giovannini and published by Opificio della Rosa.
11 chapters, 12 original artworks, a million reasons to fall in love with art printing
Printmaking Tales, The Secrets of Art Printing

Printmaking Tales is the new project by Fabriano curated by Umberto Giovannini and published by Opificio della Rosa. It is dedicated to art printing and designed to trace the history of an ancient, fascinating technique that has accompanied generations of artists. A large map used to recount the stages and evolution of printmaking to learn about the techniques and styles that have followed over the centuries, profound artistic changes, and their different variations.


Looking at the perspectives of contemporary graphic design and thinking about the new languages that are developing, I would like Printmaking Tales to open a door to observe the artisan, artistic journey that began many centuries ago, the one we now call printmaking. Umberto Giovannini


It is a path full of twists and turns, divided into eleven chapters, each dedicated to a different art printing technique. The uniqueness of the volume lies in the reproductions of original artworks that Fabriano commissioned from 12 artists using its paper for art printing — Fabriano Unica, Fabriano Rosaspina, Fabriano Artistico, Fabriano Tiepolo, Magnani Pescia, Magnani Corona, and Magnani Incisioni — used to narrate the technique through personal experimentation.


The selected printmakers — Umberto Giovannini, Koichi Yamamoto, Maria Pina Bentivenga, Gianna Bentivenga, Giulia Leonelli, Ilaria Rosselli Del Turco, Marina Bindella, Ingrid Ledent, Nick Morley, Davide Reviati, Paul Dewis and Anonima Impressori — each used a different technique and paper to create an original work included as the close of each chapter.

Printmaking Tales, also produced in a fine limited edition of only 100 copies with a box and set containing the original works, will be presented in London on Thursday 9 March 2023 at Fedrigoni Special Papers London Studio.