

Freelife is the Fedrigoni sample book that includes various recycled papers containing a different percentage of recycled fibers. The series are: Freelife Cento, Freelife Vellum, Freelife Kendo and Freelife Mèrida.

Products Included:

Freelife Cento

Recycled Offer
Uncoated Whites
FSC® Recycled (100% recycled) Recycled content (Selected Secondary Fibers)

Freelife Vellum

Recycled Offer
Uncoated Whites
Acid Free Cotton ECF (Elementhal Chlorine Free) FSC® Mix Heavy Metal Absence Long Life Recycled content (Selected Secondary Fibers)

Freelife Kendo

Recycled Offer
Uncoated Whites
Acid Free Annual Fibers ECF (Elementhal Chlorine Free) FSC® Recycled (100% recycled) Heavy Metal Absence Long Life Recycled content (Selected Secondary Fibers)

Freelife Merida

Recycled Offer
Uncoated Colours
Acid Free Cotton ECF (Elementhal Chlorine Free) FSC® Mix Heavy Metal Absence Long Life Recycled content (Selected Secondary Fibers)