
From cradle to grave.

Our journey beyond traditional papermaking is guided by sustainable design challenges.

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The FSC® label identifies products containing wood from forests fairly and reliably managed according to FSC standards covering environmental, social and economic aspects.
Read moreUnlike aluminum, paper is not infinitely recyclable, it’s recyclable up to 7 seven times. This is why virgin fibers, sourced from sustainably managed forests (FSC®), are essential to keep the paper cycle active and renewable, ensuring the robustness and quality of the paper.
Read moreVirgin fibers are essential to keep the paper cycle viable and renewable since recycled ones deteriorate after a few uses. Recycled fibers do not exceed 5 times then they lose their strength.
Read moreThe recycling of differently colored and deep papers leads to the creation of gray recycled papers, with optical inhomogeneity and limited applications. At Fedrigoni, we recover our coloured paper waste through a color flow to maximize its optical homogeneity.
Read moreThe EUDR will require us to provide evidence that every quantity of pulp and face paper we purchase from outside the EU comes from areas free from deforestation. To comply with the Regulation, wood must have been harvested from land that was not subject to deforestation and without inducing forest degradation after December 31, 2020.
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Recycled papers explained