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We make high-quality specialty paper that are designed better and perform better for the Planet.
Our value chain

From cradle to grave.

We want to create long-lasting products, designed for an optimal end-of-life recycling and recovery. Special papers that meet the creativity and technical requirements of each customer, brand,printer, designer, and converter. We want to do it in a sustainable way, making progress daily, measurably, and transparently, raising the bar in our industry and supply chain.
Different Products

Our journey beyond traditional papermaking is guided by sustainable design challenges.

Recycled materials
We produce specialty papers, both coated and uncoated, which can consist of between 40% and 100% recycled material derived from post-consumer waste. Our challenge is to continue to do so while maintaining the aesthetic characteristics and high performance of our products as much as possibile.
Packaging solutions
We experiment with new sustainabble and advanced solutions integrated into the paper, thus minimising the complex elaborations and processes undergone by brands and consumer goods. There is an extraordingary aesthetic strength to allowing naturalness to shine through.
Alternative fibers
Cotton, hemp, linen, annual fibres and selected recycled fibres: we work, study and strive to combine pulp with alternative fibres in order to achieve a circular econony and economic sustainability. Innovation and creativity also become a sensory experience.
Plastic to paper
We believe that paper can play a key role in reducing single use plastic packaging, replacing the latter whenever possible, and in increasin the recyclability of our packaging materials. Indeed, paper solutions are treated to retain some of the properties of plastic while remaining totally monomaterial and recyclable.

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éclose® is innovation in packaging: it is not just a transition from plastic to paper, it is the thermoformed cellulose for sustainable luxury packaging.
Simple, effective, versatile: these are some characteristics of Paper Snap®, the single-dose packaging made with recyclable paper by Fedrigoni. It represents the sustainable evolution to contain semi-liquids and creamy products.

The FSC® label identifies products containing wood from forests fairly and reliably managed according to FSC standards covering environmental, social and economic aspects.

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Unlike aluminum, paper is not infinitely recyclable, it’s recyclable up to 7 seven times. This is why virgin fibers, sourced from sustainably managed forests (FSC®), are essential to keep the paper cycle active and renewable, ensuring the robustness and quality of the paper.

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Virgin fibers are essential to keep the paper cycle viable and renewable since recycled ones deteriorate after a few uses. Recycled fibers do not exceed 5 times then they lose their strength.

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The recycling of differently colored and deep papers leads to the creation of gray recycled papers, with optical inhomogeneity and limited applications. At Fedrigoni, we recover our coloured paper waste through a color flow to maximize its optical homogeneity.

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The EUDR will require us to provide evidence that every quantity of pulp and face paper we purchase from outside the EU comes from areas free from deforestation. To comply with the Regulation, wood must have been harvested from land that was not subject to deforestation and without inducing forest degradation after December 31, 2020.

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Recycled papers explained

Not all recucled paper is the same. At our paper mills we scientifically verify the technological performance and environmental impacts compared to pure pulp paper in order to establish the best uses for each kind. We share our results. Everything you ever wanted to know about recycled papers, explained with reliable scientific data.
Rooted in paper future

Since 1888,
We are Paper

We started together with paper. Check out all the companies that are now part of Fedrigoni Group with us.