Vybraný sortiment papierov možno použiť aj na etikety na fľaše, poháre, nádoby a iné obaly pomocou tradičnej metódy „vody a lepidla“.
Kolekcie Constellation Snow, Corolla a Corolla Stucco, Tintoretto, Splendorlux a Splendorgloss sú vo verzii Label odolné voči vlhkosti vďaka špeciálnej úprave proti odlupovaniu a zároveň sa v recyklačnom procese nerozdrobia na kúsky.
Nájsť WET GLUE na stranách 97, 119, 383, 455, 539 z PaperBox, množstvá COATED PAPERS, UNCOATED WHITES.
Séria značiek:
Splendorlux Label
Constellation Snow Label
Corolla Label
Tintoretto Label
Ice-Proof WS
Contour Grease-Proof
Wove Wash-Off WS
Cotone 100 WS
Bagassa 60 WS
Wove ECO 40 WS
Wove ECO 80 WS
Wove WS
Rough Laid WS
Contour WS
Perla WS

Thanks to our expertise in paper for labels, this collection presents a selection of the best innovations for wet-glue labels dedicated to the Food & Beverage sector. The Wet-Glue Collection offers a variety of uncoated, coated and cast-coated papers, all wet-strength treated, available in a weight range from 70 to 100 gsm and divided into four specific families: Performance +, Natural, Classic and Iconic. Each family offers unique technologies, compositions, finishes and colours that enhance brand image. Available from stock in sheets, these references are suitable for offset printing and various types of embellishment. An even wider range and tailor-made solutions are also available on request.